March Robotics solutions provide a secured and modern toll collection of transportation where entire solution can be controlled from transportation centers for example rail stations or bus terminals to coordinated operations offices and smart streets. The toll collection solution must be adaptable and simple to configure to meet the requirements of a wide range of security issues due to the numerous and distinct requirements of each deployment. To meet the requirements of transportation security, system is becoming increasingly dependent on video analytics.

Face Recognition, Object Tracking, Cargo and Train Carriage Recognition, Unidentified Object Detection, and Intelligent Traffic Monitoring are just a few of video analytics solutions which can be used to find out emerging threats in this essential part of any national infrastructure.

An intelligent modern toll collection system can featured any number of the following:
  • Traffic signal controls
  • Freeway management systems
  • Transit management systems
  • Traffic management systems
  • Traveler information services
  • Electronic fare payment systems
  • Road incident management systems
  • Emergency management services
  • Advanced traffic analytics
  • Road network performance monitoring
  • Public transport management systems
  • Connected car infrastructure
  • Commercial vehicle operations systems
  • Railroad grade crossing safety systems